Thursday, February 24, 2011

Budget Cuts in the Wrong Places

In this article it seems that the author is trying to address the whole public as his intended audience. In the author's title he uses "We all Agree" as to say that everyone has the same opinion. A couple of the author's arguments are valid, and I agree with him . For instance he says that place where President Obama should be cutting is in the Medicaid, Medicare, social security and defense areas. I believe that we had a brief conversation about this in class,and with  just those departments alone, they make up about 90% of the national government. So in this case, I believe and since we all talked about it before, everyone else believes that these are the places to start cutting. These are facts that the author is bringing up so it's definetly a place where the president should start looking first. If the President is serious about budget cuts then how could he not see that these four departments are where pretty much all of the money goes to. Also if he plans to cut somewhere else, then obviously with only 10% left to cut from how is that going to make a drastic impact that this country needs in order to get back on track. The author also mentions that we have tax cuts that are going to expire next year, and if we in fact let them expire then this would also generate a deficit reduction over the next ten years that would match the Bowles- Simpson Commission. It seems that the author is on the side of the deficit commissions board, but with all the work that they have done with creating a plan, the board is getting ignored. It seems to me if you give someone a job to do and they do it well and come up with a good plan that wouldn't just ignore them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The president wants to Expand Wireless Access

The article that I found is about how President Obama is looking to expand wireless access to rural communities. I think this would be a great oppurtunity for the small town businesses that are struggling to survive. With this expansion it would definately provide more income and exposure to these communities. It's also going to make our country more competitive with others who are trying to take our jobs in the big industries. With this plan it would also include a high tech public safety system that would connect small towns with the larger cities in case of a national emergency situation, like 9/11. Now with any great idea or plan or a price, and this price would be costing the country approximately $5 billion to get this started. On the other hand this would all go as planned then it would also cut the deficit by $27.5 billion over the next decade. Here is the link.