Friday, March 11, 2011

Dollar Signs

It is not tough to see that just by the title of the author's blog that his audience are liberals. Although it is tough to make out what he is really saying on my end, I think that he is talking about how government spending today is not going to effect the public from spending money tomorrow, even if there are higher taxes. Yeah so what he is saying is just because the government is spending a tremendous amount of money right now, it still will not effect private spenders. I am on the author's side on this, I think that he is on the right track with his blog. The U.S. people do not know any better about spending, we are going to spend money where we shouldn't. That is just the way we are, if we want something, we want it immediately and don't understand the concept of saving for a purchase. There are always loans that we can get if we really want something. Of course they are going to give it to us because, they can just get double what is given to us anyway, so it only makes sense to give money up and still get that and more in return. That's why there are so many house foreclosures, because Americans love to spend out of there budget. We love to buy the fast cars that we can't afford,the vacations that we should not be going on, or the appliances that are not in our budget. WHY not right, I mean why would you wait for something later that might not happen, when you have the oppourtunity to do it today. That is just my opinion, but I think that there are many other people who feel the way I do. Why can't we be happy with what we have now, why do we always need more? Amercans keep spending money on stuff that you don't need and everything will be okay for you, but what about you're kids or grandchildren. What position are you putting them in?