Friday, May 13, 2011

Don't tell me what to eat

Yeah I totally agree with what you are saying. Who is the government to tell Americans what to eat I mean what is next, are they going to tel us what to wear? I just don't think that they have the right to enforce what we eat. Yeah sure trans fat is not the best for you but it is better than many other things out there. All I'm saying is the better not try and change my mcdonalds burgers.!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Our wonderful Government

Well, there is not many positive things to say about our government lately, but I will say that i would rather be a citizen of the United States, than any other country. Yes, our government does have it's flaws, but which government doesn't? Look at Mexico for example, would you rather live there? Risking your life every time you go out into the public, because of drug deals and murders that are happening, while the government stands and watches. Yeah sure, our government is corrupt as well, but it is not nearly as bad. Especially, when the Mexican government does not even protect its citizens from all the violence that is going on down there, in fact they are pretty much involved in most of it.

What about other countries? Japan, China, Italy, the list goes on and on, but the question is would you rather live there, or the United States? My answer is absolutely not, there is now way I would prefer any other country than the one I live in now. The streets are safe (somewhat), the people are nice, and we all love football. Just kidding on the last part, but really our government is not exactly how it should be compared to what we think it should be. That might be something that we should just let go, eventually. It's just not going to workout everytime. Of course, there are some bonehead mistakes that are made from time to time, but these politicians are human to. Everyone makes mistakes--no one is perfect. Sometimes we just have to lay off. We are the ones who elect these people to office anyway, shouldn't we be the ones to blame? Put yourself in their position, when it comes down to it you are never going to make everyone happy. I think these people have a lot of guts to get up there and lie to the whole country, day after day. Again I am joking, but I have some respect for government officials. They have a lot to do and not enough time to do everything. Yeah I will give them a break, I guess.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

jacked up prices

Yeah, Jasmine the gas prices are getting out of control and probably are not going to change anytime soon, which is sad for everyone who drives a vehicle. .It just doesn't seem right that we are paying such high prices at the pump, and you still have police officers setting up speed traps right off of campus. Yes, in case you are wondering I was issued a speeding ticket yesterday. Anyway, I am just fed up with the government making bad decisions, and the citizens are paying for it, literally. It's just at the point for me, that I am even skeptical about going "green" ,I mean is it really going to help us? Yeah, I am all about saving the planet, as long as I don't have to pay a ridiculous price.
I also agree with you about taking advantages of what we have. We need to find some way to help ourselves out, instead of relying on other countries.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Our Government

What can you say about our government? Many people would say that they don't really like it, and don't understand why the government does things. Maybe it's because they don't understand what is going on. Maybe the government could help us out by explaining to us why they are doing certain things, instead of doing everything possible to avoid the point. Sometimes it feels that the government doesn't totally explain certain bills that are being passed, and so the American public feels like that are getting screwed. It seems that the government has so many secrets and hides so many things. When they are hiding so much it seems that they are doing things to benefit themselves, which I would have to say is true for the most part. I understand that there is no way that you can please the whole nation, but every conversation that I hear about the government is  negative. You would think that they  would change that in some way, since they are trying to get re-elected.

It's just funny how government officials when they are campaigning to get voted into office promise so much, but when they get into office they don't do exactly what they had said. Yeah sure they do things, but not what they initially had said, and that is why it is so tough to believe anything that they say. Most of the time it feels like they are just blowing smoke, and when poeple start to realize that, then that is when we shut them out. This is also why people are not as involved into politics as they probably should be, because they are tired of hearing broken promises. I know that is why I am not to interested in politics and government as I should be. Most Americans just have a negative perception when it comes to government, and it dates back a long time. I guess it's just easy to blame them for everything.

We put our trust into these officials, presidents, congressman, whoever it may be that we elect and time after time we get into some ordeal that we should not be in. Maybe it's our fault that we don't elect the right people to do the job, or they just don't care about how bad decisions are going to affect the majority in the future. Just like the debt that we are in now, somewhere down the line it could have been avoided, but oh well right.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Dollar Signs

It is not tough to see that just by the title of the author's blog that his audience are liberals. Although it is tough to make out what he is really saying on my end, I think that he is talking about how government spending today is not going to effect the public from spending money tomorrow, even if there are higher taxes. Yeah so what he is saying is just because the government is spending a tremendous amount of money right now, it still will not effect private spenders. I am on the author's side on this, I think that he is on the right track with his blog. The U.S. people do not know any better about spending, we are going to spend money where we shouldn't. That is just the way we are, if we want something, we want it immediately and don't understand the concept of saving for a purchase. There are always loans that we can get if we really want something. Of course they are going to give it to us because, they can just get double what is given to us anyway, so it only makes sense to give money up and still get that and more in return. That's why there are so many house foreclosures, because Americans love to spend out of there budget. We love to buy the fast cars that we can't afford,the vacations that we should not be going on, or the appliances that are not in our budget. WHY not right, I mean why would you wait for something later that might not happen, when you have the oppourtunity to do it today. That is just my opinion, but I think that there are many other people who feel the way I do. Why can't we be happy with what we have now, why do we always need more? Amercans keep spending money on stuff that you don't need and everything will be okay for you, but what about you're kids or grandchildren. What position are you putting them in?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Budget Cuts in the Wrong Places

In this article it seems that the author is trying to address the whole public as his intended audience. In the author's title he uses "We all Agree" as to say that everyone has the same opinion. A couple of the author's arguments are valid, and I agree with him . For instance he says that place where President Obama should be cutting is in the Medicaid, Medicare, social security and defense areas. I believe that we had a brief conversation about this in class,and with  just those departments alone, they make up about 90% of the national government. So in this case, I believe and since we all talked about it before, everyone else believes that these are the places to start cutting. These are facts that the author is bringing up so it's definetly a place where the president should start looking first. If the President is serious about budget cuts then how could he not see that these four departments are where pretty much all of the money goes to. Also if he plans to cut somewhere else, then obviously with only 10% left to cut from how is that going to make a drastic impact that this country needs in order to get back on track. The author also mentions that we have tax cuts that are going to expire next year, and if we in fact let them expire then this would also generate a deficit reduction over the next ten years that would match the Bowles- Simpson Commission. It seems that the author is on the side of the deficit commissions board, but with all the work that they have done with creating a plan, the board is getting ignored. It seems to me if you give someone a job to do and they do it well and come up with a good plan that wouldn't just ignore them.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The president wants to Expand Wireless Access

The article that I found is about how President Obama is looking to expand wireless access to rural communities. I think this would be a great oppurtunity for the small town businesses that are struggling to survive. With this expansion it would definately provide more income and exposure to these communities. It's also going to make our country more competitive with others who are trying to take our jobs in the big industries. With this plan it would also include a high tech public safety system that would connect small towns with the larger cities in case of a national emergency situation, like 9/11. Now with any great idea or plan or a price, and this price would be costing the country approximately $5 billion to get this started. On the other hand this would all go as planned then it would also cut the deficit by $27.5 billion over the next decade. Here is the link.