Thursday, April 14, 2011

jacked up prices

Yeah, Jasmine the gas prices are getting out of control and probably are not going to change anytime soon, which is sad for everyone who drives a vehicle. .It just doesn't seem right that we are paying such high prices at the pump, and you still have police officers setting up speed traps right off of campus. Yes, in case you are wondering I was issued a speeding ticket yesterday. Anyway, I am just fed up with the government making bad decisions, and the citizens are paying for it, literally. It's just at the point for me, that I am even skeptical about going "green" ,I mean is it really going to help us? Yeah, I am all about saving the planet, as long as I don't have to pay a ridiculous price.
I also agree with you about taking advantages of what we have. We need to find some way to help ourselves out, instead of relying on other countries.

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